Last year’s numbers are in! And unlike our P.E. grades in middle school, we can’t wait to bring them home to show you.
2021 was another challenging year–we all felt the effects of the pandemic in one way or another–but our spirits remained strong, and the year was full of growth and perseverance. Thanks to generous Rotarian supporters like you, our resourceful team in Guatemala continued to shift gears and pivot program operations to continue serving THOUSANDS of students, teachers, and their communities.
And today, we’re proud to share the report below on what we were able to accomplish together in 2021. So, if you like data as much as we do, scroll down to nerd out with us for a minute!
Spark Reading Program
2021 Cumulative Totals
Spark trains primary-school teachers in how to use evidence-based reading methodology in their classrooms and provides their classes with a library of storybooks.
children's books delivered in 2021
The Spark Reading Program delivered over 11,703 new children’s books to program schools last year. Our dedicated Spark teachers then safely distributed books to their students’ homes, ensuring that their promising young students could continue their journeys to becoming lifelong readers, even from home.
Textbook Program
2021 Cumulative Totals
The Textbook Program provides textbooks to rural middle schools and trains teachers to use them effectively. In 2021, students had a hybrid school year of in-person and online learning. They were able to use these textbooks to continue learning the core subjects of math, science, Spanish language, and social studies during the pandemic.
teachers trained virtually in 2021
Approximately 213 dedicated teachers and principals from Textbook Program schools joined our online teacher trainings via Zoom! We were delighted by the turnout and excited by the opportunity to train even more teachers at once using this format, compared to in-person training.
Computer Centers Program
2021 Cumulative Totals
computer centers
The Rise Program identifies promising young students who would otherwise be forced to drop out of school, and gives them the tools to break the cycle of poverty. In addition to providing full academic scholarships, Rise offers comprehensive support services from mentors, counselors, and psychologists, and engages students in workshops, community service, and visits to local businesses and universities that transform the way they think about their futures.
phone calls made per month
The Computer Centers Program provides computers to rural middle schools and trains teachers how to use them effectively.
schools successfully pivoted
Even though 98% of students in the Computer Centers Program don’t have access to a computer or Internet at home, nearly 8 out of 10 schools successfully pivoted their method of teaching the curriculum to reach students at home by sending out physical study guides or teaching through smartphones.
Rise Youth Development Program
2021 Totals
The Rise Program identifies promising young students who would otherwise be forced to drop out of school, and gives them the tools to break the cycle of poverty. In addition to providing full academic scholarships, Rise offers comprehensive support services from mentors, counselors, and psychologists, and engages students in workshops, community service, and visits to local businesses and universities that transform the way they think about their futures.