Dear Fellow Rotarian:

“Create Hope in the World.” This year, RI President Gordon McInally has called on each and every one of us to find our own path to creating hope in a challenging world. Did you know that you and your club have done just that by being part of the Guatemala Literacy Project? In 2023-2024, 159 Rotary clubs and 27 districts joined the GLP’s Global Grant, providing the hope of education to over 6,200 Guatemalan children and teachers!

These teachers and students will benefit from a Global Grant that raised $453,038 in 2023-2024 to deliver the GLP’s signature textbook, computer center, primary reading, and youth development programs.¹

The following report includes details about the GLP’s most exciting happenings this year (spanning multiple Global Grants):

  • A complete list of clubs, districts, and matching funds that will help make Global Grant #2351451 a success. THANK YOU to all of you, and especially the sponsor clubs of Downey, CA, and Guatemala Las Americas!!
  • A list of Rotarians and clubs supporting Rise Scholars and other program sponsorships.
  • A list of beneficiaries, photos, & thank you letters from the Textbook, Computer, Spark, and Rise Programs that are benefiting from your recent support of the GLP.
  • Financial reports on Global Grant spending in the past two years.

Are you and your club ready to see how we can spread the hope of a better education and a better life to even more rural Guatemalan youth? The GLP invites you to join us in 2024-2025 to:

  • Fill out this form TODAY to pledge your club’s support for the 2024-2025 GLP Global Grant #2463588, sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Windsor-Roseland, ON, and Nueva Guatemala.
  • Get books and computers into the hands of students by sponsoring a scholar in the GLP’s Rise Youth Development Program. (If your club has supported GLP Global Grants for years, this is a great way to connect your club’s support to an individual student and learn how the projects are impacting their life!)
  • Join the GLP Project Tour to Guatemala from February 2-9, 2025.

As Blanca Mactzul, a teacher at a Spark Reading Program school, says: “I am convinced that the future of this country depends on each child who puts in the effort to learn to read and write, hope lies on them, and I am sure there is a bright future ahead.” I am so proud to be a Rotarian, and to know that we are all working together—in so many different ways—to create hope in the world, now and in the future.

Yours in Rotary,

Colin Thacker
GLP Advisory Board Chair | Rotary Club of North Bay, ON |


P.S. – Please share this report with your fellow Rotary club members and district leaders. And keep up to date on the latest project achievements through the year at!

¹ The total amount of $453,038 includes matching funds from The Rotary Foundation (pending approval).