The GLP is a network of Rotarians and CoEd working together to improve literacy in Guatemala. And through Rotary’s Basic Education and Literacy initiatives, it is clear that education changes lives in communities around the world. And today, we want to zoom in on the country of Guatemala to share a powerful story of hope and resilience that is only possible with the support from each and every one of you.

Meet Henry, a remarkable young man who rose above adversity with the help of the Guatemala Literacy Project.
Despite his family’s limited financial means, Henry’s parents and siblings worked together to support his education, and he eventually earned a scholarship through the Rise Youth Development Program.
Henry’s journey wasn’t easy. He had to balance school with a part-time job to help support his family. But with the guidance of GLP, he not only completed high school but also earned a degree in computing. Today, he makes double what his parents do, working as a professional in his field.
But Henry’s story is more than just about his own success. It’s about the power of education to transform lives and break cycles of poverty. With the GLP’s comprehensive support system, including academic and social support, tutoring, mentoring, and emergency relief, students like Henry can overcome the many barriers that stand in their way.

Let us remember the importance of providing access to quality education for all. By sponsoring students like Henry through the Rise Program, Rotary clubs can play a vital role in helping young people achieve their dreams and break the cycle of poverty.

Let us join hands to make a difference in the lives of young people like Henry. Together, we can create a brighter future for them and for generations to come.