Just last month, we packed our bags and headed down to Guatemala to meet 52 eager travelers for two INCREDIBLE project tours. With weeks’ worth of hilarious and heartfelt stories, we couldn’t pick just one favorite memory from tour…so we decided to give you seven!


First, we spent a lot of time in the great outdoors, experiencing the beauty of Guatemala firsthand. I mean look at this view! Who wouldn’t be blown away by Lake Atitlán?


Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be a rock star? Well, we all had the ultimate rock star experience walking into a program school to students cheering us on!


On tour, we encourage everyone to immerse themselves in the local culture, and our Snapshot Tour group did not shy away from the opportunity! They milked it for all it was worth (literally!).

When we passed a cabra (goat) on our morning run, we couldn’t pass up the once in a lifetime opportunity to try some fresh goat milk.


We inaugurated brand new Computer ProgramsTextbook Programs, and Spark Reading Programs, delivering much-needed supplies to our new program students and teachers.


We celebrated of course!

With games, laughter, and a whole bunch of dancing, we properly welcomed the new students, teachers, and communities into the GLP family.


Sponsors and Rise students were reunited with plenty of hugs to go around!


We left each tour with strengthened relationships and new friendships all connected by the drive to break the cycle of poverty in Guatemala. We can’t wait to see you all again soon!

Ready to make some memories with us?