Sponsor a Student

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my club sponsor a student?

Yes! You can sponsor individually or with your club or another group.

How do I/we make contributions to the sponsorship?

The best way to contribute depends on what country you or your club are in. Fill out the pledge form above, and we will follow up with instructions!

Is sponsorship part of the Global Grant?

No. The Rise Youth Development Program is funded in part by the Global Grant, but student sponsorships are outside of the grant and matching process.

Why is this sponsorship more expensive than other student sponsorship programs?

The Rise Program not only provides students with an academic scholarship—it completely transforms their lives and ends the cycle of poverty in their families.

Students are selected based on high potential and high need. It is very common for them to face challenges such as:

  • dire poverty that sometimes forces them to go without food
  • pressure to marry or have children early
  • alcoholism or abuse in their homes
  • gang culture
  • lack of familial support
  • belief that education is not worth investing in

Because of this, it is essential that the Rise Program offer robust, comprehensive services to help these scholars rise above the obstacles they face:

  • academic scholarship
  • psychologists, counselors, and mentors
  • workshops on life and professional skills
  • visits to businesses and universities (many students aren’t exposed to anything but subsistence farming)
  • community service and leadership opportunities

When a Rise scholar graduates from the program, the cycle of poverty that has persisted in their family for decades officially comes to an end. The program works.

What is the Rise Program?

The Rise Youth Development Program offers scholarships and comprehensive support to students who have great potential but face overwhelming obstacles. When a Rise scholar graduates from the program, the cycle of poverty that has persisted in their family for decades officially comes to an end.

Learn more here.

Student sponsorship is facilitated by our partner organization, Cooperative for Education (CoEd).

For further questions, please email rise@coeduc.org.