2025 GLP Tour – Top 6 Memories
The 2025 GLP Tour group with staff, students, and other Rotarian volunteers visiting the Education Center in San Lucas, Sacatepequez, Guatemala.Just last month, we journeyed to Guatemala with 36 enthusiastic travelers for an unforgettable GLP Tour. With eight days...
Luis Manuel’s Story: Empowering Dreams with Rotary Support
Nestled among the mountains and forests of Jalapa, Guatemala, lies a vibrant community where a young student’s dream of becoming an architect is beginning to take shape. At the Jalapa National Middle School, Luis Manuel’s enthusiasm for learning has found a new spark...
Literacy: The Key to All Latter Learning
"I watched as little hands reached eagerly for the books. Their fingers traced the words, eyes wide with wonder, imagining stories of their own."This month, we invite you into the vibrant world of a kindergarten teacher in rural Guatemala, Brenda. Before entering the...
Empowering Young Minds in Guatemala with the GLP and Rotary
The GLP is a network of Rotarians and CoEd working together to improve literacy in Guatemala. And through Rotary's Basic Education and Literacy initiatives, it is clear that education changes lives in communities around the world. And today, we want to zoom in on the...
The Magic of Rotary: The GLP’s Gift of Reading
Welcome to the new 2024-25 Rotary year! We're excited to embark on a magical journey to continue transforming lives in Guatemala through the Guatemala Literacy Project. We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024-2025 GLP Global Grant, sponsored by the Rotary...
Global Grant Approved!
The Rotary Clubs of Las Américas and Downey are thrilled to announce that the Guatemala Literacy Project (GLP) Global Grant for the 2023-2024 Rotary year has been approved by The Rotary Foundation! Global Grant #2351451 is for a total amount of USD $453,038! 152 clubs...
2023-2024 GLP Annual Report
Dear Fellow Rotarian: “Create Hope in the World.” This year, RI President Gordon McInally has called on each and every one of us to find our own path to creating hope in a challenging world. Did you know that you and your club have done just that by being part of the...
February 2024 Tour Highlights
Just last month, we packed our bags and headed down to Guatemala to meet 30 eager travelers for an fun-filled GLP Tour. With 8 days’ worth of hilarious and heartfelt stories, we couldn’t pick just one favorite memory from tour… so we decided to give you...
Exciting Global Grant Update!
The Global Grant #2351451 has actually been locked for authorizations, and will be submitted by March 1st! We have over 50 authorizations to obtain for this grant due to the large number of districts contributing DDF, so we are in the midst of that process now....
GLP Global Grant 2023-2024 – Urgent Help Needed
We are so thankful for the that have already pledged over $300,000 for the GLP’s 2023-2024 Global Grant! Yet even with this generous support, we are currently far below our goal of the $500,000 needed to fully implement the grant. Without more club and DDF pledges, we...