The GLP’s 2022-2023 Global Grant is Approved!

The GLP’s 2022-2023 Global Grant is Approved!

Dear Fellow Rotarians, The Rotary Clubs of Valle de Guatemala and Rice Lake are thrilled to announce that the Guatemala Literacy Project (GLP) Global Grant for the 2022-2023 Rotary year has been approved by The Rotary Foundation! Global Grant #2238721 is for a total...
Help After the Hurricanes

Help After the Hurricanes

Nearly ten months ago, Guatemala was hit by two devastating hurricanes, Hurricane Eta and Hurricane Iota. To this day, those impacted by the storms are still picking up the pieces and in the process of recovering. In early November, Hurricane Eta crossed Central...
2020 Report Card

2020 Report Card

Report cards are in! 2020 was a wild ride (to say the least), but we’re excited and proud to share how our programs performed last year, despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic. Although schools were physically closed last year, students in our programs...