Dear Fellow Rotarian:

Thanks so much to all Rotary clubs and districts who contributed a total of $628,518* to the Guatemala Literacy Project this year! Please click here for the 2019 GLP Annual Report.

Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty that has plagued rural, indigenous Guatemalans for generations. Because of YOUR help, over 10,000 more Guatemalan children and their teachers are receiving the gift of sustainable textbooks, computer centers, literacy programs, and professional development skills this year.

In this report, you will find details about the most recently completed GLP activities. At any given time, the GLP has multiple Global Grants in various stages of implementation, from gathering support to the final audit by The Rotary Foundation. Here is the update on the various grants keeping us busy in 2018-2019:

  • 2020 School Year Projects – Global Grant #1872362:
    • A complete list of clubs, districts, and matching funds on the grant. THANK YOU to the record-breaking 184 clubs and 21 districts who contributed this year!
    • Recognition of our long-time supporting clubs – giving over 5-20 years!
    • A list of Rotarians and clubs supporting Rise Scholars and other program sponsorships.
  • 2019 School Year Projects – Global Grant #1752923:
    • Photos of Rotarians who traveled to rural Guatemala kick off these programs on behalf of your club.
    • The beneficiaries of the Textbook, Computer, Spark, and Rise Programs that are being helped by your support of this grant.
    • Thank you letters from the young people who benefit from your help.
  • 2018 School Year Projects – Global Grant #1642745:
    • A financial report showing how project funds were spent on this grant that’s about to be closed.

And because the GLP never rests, we are already preparing for the upcoming Rotary year! In 2019-2020, will you join us to:

  • Maximize your club’s international service impact by supporting the next Global Grant—enabling your contribution to be multiplied up to 3.5 times (or 6.5 times in Canada)!
  • Get books and computers into the hands of students by sponsoring a scholar in the GLP’s Rise Youth Development Program. If your club has supported GLP global grants for years, this is also a great way to connect your club’s support with an individual child who you are helping.
  • Join the GLP Project Tour to Guatemala from February 1-9, 2020.

Help empower these students to rise out of poverty. Please fill out this form to pledge your support for the 2019-2020 Guatemala Literacy Project, or visit our webpage for details.

Yours in Rotary,

Colin Thacker
GLP Advisory Board Chair
Rotary Club of North Bay, ON

P.S. – Please share this report with your fellow Rotary club members and district leaders. We want everyone in your club and district to know the impact you have made on these children in Guatemala.

*The total amount of $628,518 includes matching funds from the Government of Canada and The Rotary Foundation (pending Global Grant approval).